It's always a delight to get to perform with the Boston Circus Guild! This wasn't just about Audi, this was Audi, Acura, and Porsche in conjunction with the non-profit Right Turn throwing a benefit fundraiser to help disadvantaged youths turn their lives around.
I paired against Little L on hoops, and opposite Alexis on cyr wheel for the run of the show. Clearing out a space in these sort of open floor situations with enough space to spin Visual Poi is always a bit tricky, but I was able to keep myself to the side of the aerial rig and in front of Jammin 98.5 (Matty in the Morning) and managed to lock that site down with Little L for the full two hours.
Programing the Visual Poi is half the fun of these events. Exploring how car images and logos play out was interesting; making sure they weren't getting too distorted as to be unrecognizable, and so on. It was also a great excuse to go through the entirety of the new Visual Poi Zone website and collect some new flame graphics for use.
My only wish would have been to have had a main-stage act; something where I could have really shown off the capabilities of these instruments. As it was, I stuck to 8 second rotations - assuming most music being played at the event would kick in at 120 bpm, and shooting for 4 bar phrases.